
Ladies Who Tech STEM & Jazz Drinks Night

Tue, 18 Aug 2020 19:30:00 GMT+08 ~ Tue, 18 Aug 2020 21:30:00 GMT+08


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    Ladies Who Tech STEM & Jazz Drinks Night



    身为STEM 行业的一员,你想认识更多同行业的朋友,期待把自己的专业想法和计划分享给更多的人并收获反馈?你不是一个人!

    Are you STEM ecosystem?

    Are you looking forward to meeting more like minded friends in STEM?

    Do you want to share with your professional thoughts and get immediate feedback?

    Keep reading!


    Ladies Who Tech 在北京举办了数次STEM交流之夜,数百名STEM 专业人士参加了交流,分享了他们自己的故事。现在,我们将首次把此项福利带到这座 “来了就不想离开”的城市:成都!

    Ladies Who Tech has hosted several STEM Drinks Nights in Beijing, where hundreds of STEM professionals participated and shared their own stories. Now, we are bringing this amazing event to the city of Chengdu!


    此次聚会,不仅有让大家分享自己的专业想法和愿望并收获在场小伙伴反馈的互动环节,而且活动地点在成都地标性的爵士乐俱乐部 Oak Nose Jazz Club!整晚与各路优秀的STEM 朋友们,在优美的现场爵士乐的萦绕下,酌着进口美酒,让我们一起度过这个STEM遇见爵士的夜晚吧!

    Why join the event? Voice out your professional thoughts and outlooks in STEM, receive constructive feedback from peers. Moreover, the event is taking place at the musical landmark of Chengdu: Oak Nose Jazz Club! Chatting along with STEM peers from all kinds of fields, listening to the amazing live jazz performance, sipping on some wine, these are what we do at STEM & Jazz Night!


    19:10  签到

    19:30 – 20:30  STEM行业需求对接

    21:30 爵士演出开始


    19:10 Checking in

    19:30-20:30 STEM Professional Info Exchange

    21:30 Live Jazz Show





    进口格林堡或布鲁克林 一杯

    第二杯格林堡或布鲁克林 半价

    第二杯威士忌点单 9


    Single Ticket:  RMB 98

    Including:  Entry to live jazz show with VIP seats

    One cup of imported draft beer: Grimbergen Blond Ale or Brooklyn Golden IPA

    50% off on second cup of beer Grimbergen or Brooklyn

    10% off on second order of whisky


    欢迎所有性别的小伙伴来参加我们818日(星期二)在成都Oak Nose Jazz Club 的交流之夜!

    Come and join us at the very first STEM & Jazz Drinks Night, to enjoy the drinks and the live jazz show, mostly importantly, to expand your professional network!

    We are calling out to friends of all genders to join us at Oak Nose Jazz Club on August the 18th (Tuesday) for our STEM & Jazz Drinks Night!

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    She Rewires是中国最活跃的科技女性社群,它的使命是转变现状和重塑 一个更加多元和包容的STEAM 的未来。它全球有 70,000 多名会员与130位志愿共建者的社会创新初创企业。 She Rewires, China's most active women in STEAM community , a social enterprise with the mission of rewiring and transforming the status quo and reshape the future of STEAM for good. It connects more than 70,000+ members with 130 dedicated voluntarily co-builders around the globe.

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